About Chewingallapa

Last updated: 4 Feb 2015  |  7050 Views  | 

About Chewingallapa

Chewin Gallapa is the website created for the intention of representing the variety of the products for the dolls. I have made all the products with my personal passion so that I realize the desires of those who love collecting the dolls. Likewise, I have been collecting plenty of the dolls which I consider them as my personal delight and I assume that many of the dolls lovers may know me either in personal or from my works on the website. Beside my dolls collecting, I have been doing my small business on e-bay for more than 10 years including outfits, wigs, as well as doll face up or repaint. Moreover, I welcome for the commission business on the dolls as well.

As my consideration, I think it’s a time to form the website to officially present all the works. Therefore, I as well as group of my friends who also love to make the remarkable works decided to create the website that we can present our works such as Sridoll gallery, Pong Bdin and Jarupun. 

Our products will be made according to respond to the variety of the doll sizes and companies. By having many experiences, which we have dedicated ourselves for making all the works, I believe that whoever has had mine or my friends’ works may be proved by the quality as well as fineness of the works both from the material and skill.

I really hope that my works which are presented in “chewingallapa” will respond to the desire of the dolls collectors. Furthermore, I will be having my own both male and female dolls which I delicately sculpted by my own passion under my own brand “chewingallapa”; whereas they are in the process of prototyping which still remain unfinished just yet. Once they’re done, I will make sure that they will be previewed on this website.

Thank you very much,



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